Sunday School

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

FLC Sunday School meet on Sunday mornings at 10:015 a.m. in the Opening Room  in the upper level of Christian Education Wing at the church.

Parents can pick up their children in the classrooms. All children Preschool through 6th grade learn the week's lesson through music, stories, discussion, games, and crafts. We focus on the 4 Spiritual Habits of Spending Time with Others, Using our Gifts, Spending Time with God and Telling our Story.

Join us for Bible story fun on Sunday mornings! Please contact our Christian Education Director Tanya Burnett for any questions or to enroll your child.

sunday school sing & serve

Sunday School children sing and serve at worship on the first Sunday of the month. Below you will find the song they are practicing each month!

Connection time for little ones

Upcoming events

First Lutheran children and their families are invited to Hot Dogs & Popsicles on Saturday, August 3rd. We will meet at Tirrill Park in Manchester at 12:00 p.m. for hot dogs and popsicles, then we will head over to the pool for some more summer fun!

Sunday Mornings

10:15 am - 11:15 am

Children in Preschool through 6th grade gather for Sunday School to learn about Jesus and how he speaks to us through the Bible.

Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers, and children 0-4 years old are invited to "Connection Time with Little Ones" the second Sunday of each month  to connect and grow in Christ and Community.

Contact Us

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